Statistics & Research about Brunswick,GA - Upstate Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Brunswick,GA an area served by Upstate Agency Llc

Phone : 912-280-9314

Car dealers nearby Upstate Agency Llc

Carl Gregory Chrysler Jeep Dodge Of Brunswick, Inc.

Phone: (888) 683-7361

Dan Vaden Of Brunswick

Dan Vaden of Brunswick, 121 Altama Connector, Brunswick, GA 31525
Phone: (912) 289-4925

Real estate research for area nearby Upstate Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woodbine 148,200 619 5.0
Brunswick 106,600 704 7.9
Camden County 162,200 869 6.4
St. Marys 182,900 901 5.9
Thalmann 153,900 820 6.4
McIntosh County 116,500 578 6.0
Dock Junction 116,100 730 7.5
Glynn County 171,300 803 5.6
Jesup 82,800 584 8.5
Nahunta 70,600 425 7.2

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Upstate Agency Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Woodbine 638
Brunswick 1585
Camden County 3944
St. Marys 2581
Thalmann 782
McIntosh County 1298
Dock Junction 374
Glynn County 6407
Jesup 1015
Nahunta 309
Kings Bay Base 101
Jekyll Island 107
Country Club Estates 515
Waynesville 302
St. Simons 2150

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Upstate Agency Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Woodbine 153
Brunswick 226
Camden County 984
St. Marys 562
Thalmann 138
McIntosh County 336
Dock Junction 14
Glynn County 1149
Jesup 162
Nahunta 103
Jekyll Island 32
Country Club Estates 94
Waynesville 92
St. Simons 639

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Upstate Agency Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Woodbine 183300
Brunswick 111500
Camden County 152100
St. Marys 163200
Thalmann 89000
McIntosh County 176400
Dock Junction 116700
Glynn County 121200
Jesup 105800
Nahunta 98800
Jekyll Island 399500
Country Club Estates 74300
Waynesville 14100
St. Simons 329800

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Upstate Agency Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Woodbine 162800
Brunswick 149200
Camden County 161100
St. Marys 167000
Thalmann 132300
McIntosh County 95400
Dock Junction 49300
Glynn County 191600
Jesup 69800
Nahunta 48800
Country Club Estates 178300
Waynesville 55200
St. Simons 451000