Statistics & Research about Metter,GA - Mark Nickerson

Here are some statistics & research about Metter,GA an area served by Mark Nickerson

59 E. North Broad St

Real estate research for area nearby Mark Nickerson

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Reidsville 63,300 485 9.2
Jenkins County 66,400 499 9.0
South Jenkins 75,300 525 8.4
Norristown 9999 NA NA
Collins 61,300 415 8.1
Manassas 200,000 625 3.8
Claxton 101,200 538 6.4
Emanuel County 72,700 538 8.9
Metter 82,500 525 7.6
Gillis Springs 49,500 555 13.5

Number of whites in places near by Mark Nickerson

Place name Number of whites
Reidsville 6995
Jenkins County 4987
South Jenkins 1537
Norristown 100
Collins 2216
Manassas 144
Claxton 4799
Emanuel County 13889
Metter 4418
Gillis Springs 1109
Aline 1245
Portal 2570
Stillmore 224
Statesboro 29581
Tattnall County 16118

Number of vacant houses in places near by Mark Nickerson

Place name Number of vacant houses
Reidsville 882
Jenkins County 1328
South Jenkins 432
Norristown 26
Collins 353
Manassas 37
Claxton 376
Emanuel County 1849
Metter 517
Gillis Springs 150
Aline 191
Portal 279
Stillmore 49
Statesboro 2585
Tattnall County 1874

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Mark Nickerson

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Reidsville 295
Jenkins County 448
South Jenkins 211
Collins 207
Manassas 37
Claxton 549
Emanuel County 1245
Metter 382
Gillis Springs 74
Aline 164
Portal 202
Stillmore 38
Statesboro 3153
Tattnall County 977

Number of blacks in places near by Mark Nickerson

Place name Number of blacks
Reidsville 3728
Jenkins County 3028
South Jenkins 712
Collins 876
Manassas 37
Claxton 2757
Emanuel County 7606
Metter 2257
Gillis Springs 77
Aline 128
Portal 1144
Stillmore 428
Statesboro 15125
Tattnall County 7139