Statistics & Research about Cuthbert,GA - Judy L Whelan Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Cuthbert,GA an area served by Judy L Whelan Insurance

Phone : 229-732-2777

Real estate research for area nearby Judy L Whelan Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Shorterville 116,800 538 5.5
Henry County 100,400 537 6.4
Omaha 32,800 396 14.5
Randolph County 66,200 564 10.2
Benevolence 33000 NA NA
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 66,800 630 11.3
Leary 52,100 525 12.1
Bronwood 88,100 446 6.1
Bakerhill 106,000 675 7.6
Bluffton 59,100 633 12.9

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Judy L Whelan Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Shorterville 213200
Henry County 107200
Omaha 20000
Randolph County 41800
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 23900
Leary 83800
Bakerhill 82100
Bluffton 141700
Arlington 16900
Haleburg 106300
Stewart County 30400
Abbeville 54500
Lumpkin 31600

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Judy L Whelan Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Shorterville 58800
Henry County 174400
Randolph County 400700
Benevolence 217100
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 70000
Leary 75000
Bronwood 435000
Bakerhill 224000
Bluffton 34200
Arlington 68700
Haleburg 121100
Abbeville 100900

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Judy L Whelan Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Shorterville 89700
Henry County 90000
Omaha 149000
Randolph County 19900
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 29800
Leary 33800
Bronwood 74400
Bakerhill 65400
Bluffton 57400
Arlington 47500
Haleburg 75000
Stewart County 59100
Abbeville 71100
Lumpkin 44800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Judy L Whelan Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Shorterville 126
Henry County 895
Omaha 97
Randolph County 668
Benevolence 75
Georgetown-Quitman County unified 116
Leary 82
Bronwood 35
Bakerhill 294
Bluffton 57
Arlington 63
Haleburg 89
Stewart County 227
Abbeville 234
Lumpkin 47