Statistics & Research about Hahira,GA - Hahira Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Hahira,GA an area served by Hahira Insurance Agency

100 W Main St

Real estate research for area nearby Hahira Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Remerton 101,400 734 8.7
Brooks County 100,600 584 7.0
Adel 104,000 648 7.5
Lakeland 123,500 665 6.5
Colquitt County 84,500 584 8.3
Cecil 90,800 580 7.7
Barretts 135,900 916 8.1
Nashville 74,800 535 8.6
West Echols 110,900 598 6.5
Naylor 103,700 588 6.8

Number of whites in places near by Hahira Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Remerton 780
Brooks County 9550
Adel 2440
Lakeland 5229
Colquitt County 31150
Cecil 113
Barretts 8937
Nashville 8196
West Echols 1384
Naylor 2903
Norman Park 4386
Dixie 645
Quitman 2813
Moody AFB 854
Barwick 155

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Hahira Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Remerton 86
Brooks County 275
Adel 28
Lakeland 155
Colquitt County 1175
Cecil 20
Barretts 115
Nashville 314
West Echols 7
Naylor 10
Norman Park 104
Quitman 187
Barwick 2

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Hahira Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Remerton 151
Brooks County 4621
Adel 1284
Lakeland 1858
Colquitt County 8914
Cecil 115
Barretts 2864
Nashville 2520
West Echols 434
Naylor 761
Norman Park 1225
Dixie 327
Quitman 1781
Moody AFB 130
Barwick 119

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Hahira Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Remerton 106900
Brooks County 84700
Adel 115400
Lakeland 55000
Colquitt County 77100
Cecil 86000
Barretts 130700
Nashville 73600
West Echols 110100
Naylor 69400
Norman Park 53600
Dixie 79600
Quitman 80200
Barwick 9999