Statistics & Research about Douglas,GA - Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Douglas,GA an area served by Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Phone : 912-384-7171

Car dealers nearby Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Prince Ford, Inc.

PRINCE FORD, INC., 109 West Green Highway, Douglas, GA 31533, (888) 862-0519
Phone: (888) 862-0519

Real estate research for area nearby Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Berrien County 77,000 531 8.3
Ben Hill County 75,100 608 9.7
Dixie Union 65,400 393 7.2
Atkinson County 73,100 421 6.9
Rockingham 118,000 520 5.3
Nashville 74,800 535 8.6
Broxton 105,800 543 6.2
Axson 56,400 525 11.2
Douglas 77,100 588 9.2
West Green 72,600 655 10.8

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Berrien County 60000
Ben Hill County 69100
Dixie Union 26600
Atkinson County 54100
Rockingham 121900
Nashville 53300
Broxton 85000
Axson 57900
Douglas 65600
West Green 53300
Pearson 57000
Alapaha 123300
Coffee County 50700
Nicholls 39100

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Berrien County 1251
Ben Hill County 899
Dixie Union 40
Atkinson County 505
Rockingham 71
Nashville 687
Broxton 124
Axson 71
Douglas 1238
West Green 99
Holt 52
Pearson 210
Alapaha 33
Coffee County 2008
Nicholls 188

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Berrien County 168
Ben Hill County 140
Atkinson County 66
Rockingham 36
Nashville 16
Broxton 31
Axson 9
Douglas 335
West Green 28
Holt 14
Pearson 34
Alapaha 62
Coffee County 498
Nicholls 15

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Gordon Reiss Insurance Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Berrien County 147200
Ben Hill County 87500
Dixie Union 77700
Atkinson County 143100
Rockingham 263600
Nashville 145600
Broxton 181300
Axson 332400
Douglas 100800
West Green 108700
Pearson 130600
Alapaha 134400
Coffee County 122800
Nicholls 114300