Statistics & Research about Valdosta,GA - First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Valdosta,GA an area served by First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Phone : 229-242-5377

Car dealers nearby First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Griner Nissan

3715 Inner Perimeter Road Valdosta, GA 31604
Phone: (229) 242-7325

Real estate research for area nearby First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Quitman 102,700 532 6.2
Empress 107000 NA NA
West Echols 110,900 598 6.5
Adel 104,000 648 7.5
East Echols 59,500 595 12
Valdosta 123,100 769 7.5
Brooks County 100,600 584 7.0
Dixie 85,800 942 13.2
Barretts 135,900 916 8.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Quitman 632
Moody AFB 79
Empress 103
West Echols 192
Adel 633
East Echols 234
Valdosta 8016
Brooks County 1636
Dixie 79
Barretts 486
East Lanier 370
Lake Park 650
Lanier County 1113
Berlin 74
Madison 1486

Number of new houses in places near by First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Valdosta 39200
Barretts 178900
Lanier County 67800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Quitman 459
Moody AFB 52
Empress 95
West Echols 147
Adel 237
East Echols 137
Valdosta 3953
Brooks County 929
Dixie 93
Barretts 1121
East Lanier 116
Lake Park 576
Lanier County 542
Berlin 37
Madison 762

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by First Bosnian Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Quitman 74
Empress 12
West Echols 18
Adel 13
Valdosta 486
Brooks County 177
Dixie 46
Barretts 57
East Lanier 10
Lake Park 132
Lanier County 10
Madison 131