Statistics & Research about Rincon,GA - Dewitt Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Rincon,GA an area served by Dewitt Insurance

5877 Highway 21 S
Phone : (912) 826-5264

Car dealers nearby Dewitt Insurance

Fuller Chevrolet Inc.

5480 Ga Highway 21 S , Rincon, GA 31326
Phone: (877) 242-1289

Real estate research for area nearby Dewitt Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Vernonburg 859,400 2001 2.8
Isle of Hope 299,300 1225 4.9
Jasper County 93,800 744 9.5
Dutch Island 481,600 2001 5.0
Guyton 122,700 1004 9.8
Furman 67,900 553 9.8
Scotia 95,000 775 9.8
Bloomingdale 150,700 921 7.3
Oliver 61,700 581 11.3
Tybee Island 380,300 1139 3.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dewitt Insurance

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Vernonburg 10
Isle of Hope 115
Jasper County 2264
Dutch Island 7
Guyton 106
Furman 50
Scotia 16
Bloomingdale 323
Oliver 34
Tybee Island 947
Bluffton 7886
Nevils-Stilson 572
Effingham County 2716
Pooler-Bloomingdale 4211
Montgomery 1295

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Dewitt Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Vernonburg 22
Isle of Hope 381
Jasper County 1532
Dutch Island 248
Guyton 92
Furman 21
Scotia 11
Bloomingdale 74
Oliver 23
Tybee Island 317
Bluffton 4523
Nevils-Stilson 403
Effingham County 3545
Pooler-Bloomingdale 3014
Montgomery 2204

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Dewitt Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Vernonburg 5
Isle of Hope 58
Jasper County 243
Dutch Island 76
Guyton 5
Bloomingdale 32
Oliver 9
Tybee Island 243
Bluffton 800
Nevils-Stilson 47
Effingham County 714
Pooler-Bloomingdale 665
Montgomery 310

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dewitt Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Vernonburg 1000001
Isle of Hope 445800
Jasper County 137900
Dutch Island 552100
Guyton 122900
Scotia 161100
Bloomingdale 157300
Tybee Island 445600
Bluffton 271700
Nevils-Stilson 124400
Effingham County 172200
Pooler-Bloomingdale 201400
Montgomery 591200