Statistics & Research about Thomasville,GA - Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Thomasville,GA an area served by Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

2358 GA HIGHWAY 122
Phone : 229-226-2480

Car dealers nearby Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Trucks And Trails

Phone: (229) 228-5297

Real estate research for area nearby Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Northeast Leon 250,300 1113 5.3
Northwest Grady 78,700 676 10.3
Pavo-Barwick 107,600 651 7.3
Pavo 76,300 543 8.5
Coolidge 87,600 585 8.0
Calvary-Reno 135,500 846 7.5
Cairo 103,500 713 8.3
Waukeenah 99800 NA NA
Quitman 102,700 532 6.2
Berlin 43,600 520 14.3

Number of old houses in places near by Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Northeast Leon 473700
Pavo-Barwick 109400
Pavo 90000
Coolidge 59000
Calvary-Reno 217000
Cairo 151800
Quitman 104000
Berlin 33400
Leon County 221200
Barwick-Pavo 335000
Monticello 120300

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Northeast Leon 228700
Northwest Grady 23200
Pavo-Barwick 208300
Pavo 29400
Coolidge 58300
Calvary-Reno 134400
Cairo 64700
Quitman 104900
Berlin 41700
Leon County 171400
Barwick-Pavo 80400
Monticello 175600

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Northeast Leon 6443
Northwest Grady 20
Pavo-Barwick 121
Pavo 22
Coolidge 105
Calvary-Reno 143
Cairo 962
Quitman 459
Berlin 37
Leon County 21463
Barwick-Pavo 81
Monticello 560

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Coffee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Northeast Leon 277100
Northwest Grady 33600
Pavo-Barwick 99500
Pavo 61900
Coolidge 30200
Calvary-Reno 84100
Cairo 95400
Waukeenah 96400
Quitman 80200
Berlin 15800
Leon County 211700
Barwick-Pavo 65900
Monticello 159100