Statistics & Research about Kingsland,GA - Barlow Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Kingsland,GA an area served by Barlow Insurance Agency

Phone : 912-882-4556

Car dealers nearby Barlow Insurance Agency

Courtesy Ford Lincoln Mercury

Phone: (888) 883-6737

Real estate research for area nearby Barlow Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brunswick 106,600 704 7.9
Dock Junction 116,100 730 7.5
Callahan-Hilliard 142,500 803 6.8
Fernandina Beach 293,500 953 3.9
Charlton County 76,500 722 11.3
Thalmann 153,900 820 6.4
Nahunta 70,600 425 7.2
Brantley County 65,600 461 8.4
Nassau Village-Ratliff 124,500 858 8.3
Waynesville 55,100 290 6.3

Number of new houses in places near by Barlow Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Brunswick 121800
Callahan-Hilliard 158300
Charlton County 46300
Woodbine 141700
Jacksonville North 157300

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Barlow Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Brunswick 1585
Dock Junction 374
Callahan-Hilliard 1938
Fernandina Beach 1698
Charlton County 798
Thalmann 782
Nahunta 309
Brantley County 800
Nassau Village-Ratliff 285
Waynesville 302
Homeland 82
Hoboken 189
St. George 196
Woodbine 638
Jacksonville North 6696

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Barlow Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Brunswick 226
Dock Junction 14
Callahan-Hilliard 184
Fernandina Beach 368
Charlton County 138
Thalmann 138
Nahunta 103
Brantley County 212
Nassau Village-Ratliff 14
Waynesville 92
Homeland 24
Hoboken 17
Woodbine 153
Jacksonville North 1000

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Barlow Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Brunswick 111500
Dock Junction 116700
Callahan-Hilliard 120200
Fernandina Beach 208200
Charlton County 75100
Thalmann 89000
Nahunta 98800
Brantley County 111800
Nassau Village-Ratliff 159400
Waynesville 14100
Homeland 23100
Hoboken 139700
St. George 64100
Woodbine 183300
Jacksonville North 107800