Statistics & Research about Richmond Hill,GA - Barker & Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Richmond Hill,GA an area served by Barker & Associates Inc

Phone : 912-756-5942

Real estate research for area nearby Barker & Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Midway 168,100 822 5.9
Isle of Hope 299,300 1225 4.9
Flemington 185,700 874 5.6
Richmond Hill 232,300 1273 6.6
Savannah 143,400 864 7.2
Bloomingdale 150,700 921 7.3
Henderson 216,200 1154 6.4
Riceboro 78,400 642 9.8
Dutch Island 481,600 2001 5.0
Hardeeville 109,700 595 6.5

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Barker & Associates Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Midway 126
Richmond Hill 236
Savannah 7838
Bloomingdale 18
Henderson 44
Riceboro 7
Hardeeville 88
Bryan County 350
Liberty County 956
Port Wentworth 652
Pembroke 114

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Barker & Associates Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Midway 812
Isle of Hope 381
Flemington 120
Richmond Hill 1919
Savannah 5597
Bloomingdale 74
Henderson 180
Riceboro 169
Dutch Island 248
Hardeeville 408
Talahi Island 128
Bryan County 2561
Liberty County 4924
Port Wentworth 1299
Pembroke 642

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Barker & Associates Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Midway 2106
Isle of Hope 525
Flemington 129
Richmond Hill 4389
Savannah 27941
Bloomingdale 714
Henderson 486
Riceboro 442
Dutch Island 106
Hardeeville 1873
Talahi Island 342
Bryan County 6580
Liberty County 13021
Port Wentworth 2733
Pembroke 2191

Number of blacks in places near by Barker & Associates Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Midway 2128
Flemington 443
Richmond Hill 2041
Savannah 84538
Bloomingdale 273
Henderson 507
Riceboro 1520
Dutch Island 52
Hardeeville 3363
Bryan County 4247
Liberty County 26948
Port Wentworth 5181
Pembroke 2206